更好的工作,更美好的世界:BW集成系统公司的Erica Uribe

August 24, 2023
  • Brent Stewart
  • Brent Stewart
    Digital Strategy & Content Leader at Barry-Wehmiller

For Erica Uribe, it all started with concert tickets.


At the time, Erica was a stay-at-home mom. 当她发现卢克·库姆斯要来镇上开音乐会时,她真的很想去. However, her husband wasn’t happy when he saw the price.

“他觉得那笔钱不值,”艾瑞卡说. “So, I was like, ‘You know what? I'm going to find my own.’”

Erica decided to find a temporary job, something she could do for a little bit, 赚点外快,然后回去做个全职妈妈.

她关注了一个网络群里招聘临时接待员的帖子, which led her to being hired at BW Integrated Systems’ Romeoville, IL (USA) location.

BW Integrated Systems is part of the BW Packaging group of companies in the Barry-Wehmiller family. BW集成系统是设计和制造终端包装设备的行业领导者, labeling equipment and robotic automation solutions, as well as the execution of integrated packaging systems. Their machines serve a wide variety of industries, including automotive, food, beverage and spirits, container manufacturing, pharmaceutical, dairy, personal care and more.

“我只是想证明我要自己去买这些音乐会的票,” Erica said. “所以,我上网搜索,‘妈妈们做什么兼职工作?’ And I found this link and I applied.

“I called my mom who was in California at the time, and I was like, ‘Mom, I'm going to get these concert tickets, so I need to get this part-time job. It's only for four months. Will you come home and help me out with the children?’ And she said, ‘Yeah, sure, no problem.’”

But what happened next wasn’t quite what Erica had expected. When she had looked at the temporary receptionist post, 艾瑞卡读了巴里·韦米勒的“真正的人类领导力”文化. 她观看了首席执行官鲍勃•查普曼谈论公司文化的视频. At the time she thought, “This is different.”

“但一方面是阅读它,另一方面是真正体验那种文化,知道它是真实的,” Erica said. “这听起来是个很棒的工作场所,但我有点怀疑. 在其他公司工作过,这似乎几乎是不可能的.”

Erica started as a temporary receptionist, but within a couple of months, 她得到了一个全职的长期职位——行政助理.

“再一次,我认为这不会是一件长期的事情,”埃里卡说. “我本想在家里集中精力,但一旦你来到这里,看到... I can't describe it, just seeing how everybody is. 每个人看起来都很开心,这真的是一个快乐的地方.

“I come in smiling every day. Everybody's so polite. They thank you for doing your job. 所以,当我得到留下的机会时,我说,‘你知道吗? I'm going to stay,’ and I really like it, and it allows me the flexibility to be a focused, engaged mom, while still having a career for myself.”

Erica has a passion to serve others, 所以她喜欢自己的工作,因为她可以解决问题,帮助别人完成自己的角色. As she said, she feels needed.

“我真的喜欢,我喜欢我的工作,它不会耗尽我的精力,”埃里卡说. “我也做过其他公司的工作,你回到家就觉得累了,什么都不想做, but just be quiet and spend time, and that's not the case. 我可以离开这份工作,我觉得我已经度过了成功的一天. I go home, I volunteer at the church, I take our kids to sports, and I don't feel drained at the end of the day. 我仍然有很多精力和动力去做我半天要做的事情.”


埃里卡说:“推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜随时都有佳得乐和冰水供应,但这是为了给大家带来乐趣。. “所以,推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜做的一件有趣的事情是,我租了一辆托盘车. It's like a cooler on wheels for ice cream, and it was Mexican popsicles, if you will and it's got little bells on it. And usually, you'll see this in the inner cities, 会有人推着推车走过街区. So, I thought, what a fun way to not only distribute a great treat, but to bring some cheer to the facility. And everyone really enjoyed it. 我在商店里走了一圈,也在办公室里走了一圈,敲了敲钟.”


“有一句名言,‘多走一英里,那里从不拥挤’,我喜欢这句话,”她说. “I just try to inspire people throughout the office. And that's a great example of how I contribute to that.”


“I'm paid to do a job, and that's one thing,” she said. “但是当他们真正欣赏你的时候,人们会来找你,不嫌麻烦地让你觉得自己很重要, appreciated, that speaks volumes.”

BW集成系统公司总裁皮特·卡尔森说,埃里卡会传染, 以积极的态度对待她在公司里接触的每一个人. 

“她一直在寻找对推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜的领导人产生有意义影响的方法, team members and customers,” Pete said. “Erica在推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜整个组织的许多关键计划中发挥了重要作用.  她在整个组织中领导了几个大型资本改善项目,并为其他人树立了一个新的服务水平,以实现酒店业的目标. 我很感激她的领导、出色的态度、对细节的关注和对结果的承诺.”

Erica did get those Luke Combs tickets. 会场甚至把她的海报贴在大屏幕上,上面写着:“这位前家庭主妇找了一份工作来这里!”


“在我开始在这里工作后,我打电话给我妈妈,告诉她我有多喜欢我的工作,她可能要在这里多待一段时间,” Erica said.

“I felt like it was an opportunity of a lifetime. 能够找到你真正擅长做的事情以及他们提供的灵活性, and I'm still able to be a mom, a present mom, in my kids' lives and be able to work full time, was one of the best things I could have ever asked for.”


Better Work. Better World. is a video series designed to shine a Barry-Wehmiller的团队成员遍布全球 organization. Watch the video through the link above to hear more.

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